
aku hanya insan biasa..
bisa buat kesilapan..bisa buat kebaikan..
aku ada kelebihan, namun aku juga ada kelemahan..
seandainya kesempurnaan yang engkau inginkan,
nescaya tiada kan kau jumpa..
sesungguhnya ia tiada padaku..

don't walk behind me,
coz i can't lead..
don't walk in front of me,
coz i can't follow..
do walk next to me,
coz we both can go through..


Arni said...

nobody perfect

◄•۞•► BuM ◄•۞•► said...

so, don't expect one to be

zatty.hamid said...

just be who u r..
evendo u've changed a lot but there's sum ppl didn't realize dat.
so. be thankful fer who u r today :)

◄•۞•► BuM ◄•۞•► said...

i hope so..
those who hv known me earlier until today only realized what have changed

zatty.hamid said...

bersabar jek okeyh?
stp apa yg jd ada hikmahnya.
keep smiling :)

Arni said...
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◄•۞•► BuM ◄•۞•► said...

i juz can't stand when ppl keep pointing out my wrongs..