Fly High

Assalamualaikum..kepada sesiapa yang bakal melanjutkan pelajaran ke New Zealand & Australia, saya nak cadangkan anda menghadiri satu program..i attended this programme last year..sesuai untuk persediaan anda yang akan ke luar negara..tak kira lapisan umur..pada saya, ia amat membantu serba sedikit dalam pengisian dan persediaan anda..untuk maklumat lanjut sila layari www.flyhigh.iluvislam.com

my testimonial :)

To You

please back off..i know who you are..don't be such busy body..seems like u wanna keep creating chaos huh? come on, human can change, so do i..i trust you that you have changed n be good to me..but you're not..what revenge are you taking right now? enough of it..you've ruin my relationship with whom i love so much before..she accepted me as the way i am and i was...now, she has gone..satisfied? now, retreat and mind your  own business..

i wanna be serious with this one...asking you gently, back off..for good..i really mean it..she's the one..and i feel comfortable with her..no matter how is she...i'm taking her to my parents soon...she will be a part of my life..if you still have heart to feel, brain to judge, see how meaningful is her to me..just don't mess up my life again..i don't even disturb yours a bit..be human, be relevant, be understanding..thank you very much..

Rendang Tak Jadi

this video is specially made for this raya..
starring by me myself, azlan, anwar, jiha & nuraini..
agak keras belakon..xla pandai mcm saudara anwar..
youtuber berjaya..hahaha

Ceritera Puasa

Assalamualaikum..hui..berhabukk suda blog neh..huhu..malass sgt nak update..busy & xda mood la..hmm now nak share moments before raya, that is PUASA  time..hmmm...xdpt la nk share semua..but apa yg mampu ja la..hehe...

first solat terawih..huhu..semangat abes...semua kobar2 nak jemaah..bagus2..semoga Allah menerima amalan kami..insyaAllah..

time nie..masing2 blur..nak decide nk buat kueh apa utk berbuka ramai2..merepek ja lebih..haha..tapi best lepak kat fountain..nyaman & tenang :)

okay2..i'm married..!! haha..

then kami ada buat photoshoot raya..before raya la utk sedia pic utk salam perantauan ramai2..

nie plak time berjemur..hahaha..sexy sket..mapp.maybe agak geli..hak3..

Salam Perantauan..atceli hantar byk paper, sbb nk encounter possibility yg ada paper maybe xkuar..tp, smua kluar..adeyh..malu la plak...

nie masa majlis khatam Quran Cohort 1 & 2..alhamdulillah..semua bjalan lancar..makanan pun sedap2.. :)


Something I don't leave house without..

my iPhone..my mobile phone, my iPod, my GPS, my game console, my prayer reminder, my Qiblah pointer, my bank acc monitor, my browser..mcm2 lagi la function..it completes my life..if you don't have an iPhone, you don't have an iPhone.

Isi Hati

I think I fall in love.