My Passion

Assalamualaikum..hye all..
Praise be to Allah..dah genap sebulan i'm in Sydney..
Classes are going smoothly but I kinda hate the gaps..
I'm not used to it by da way..hahaha...trying to suit myself...

this week, I'd like to share bout my passion being here as international student..
being a Macquarie University student is such a great achievement in my life..
i get myself involved in Sport Carnival, gonna be held in April...
i'm joining MSA Football team with my other friends...
seniors from TESOL, JPA, & MARA students are also involved...

we have been training for 3 weeks, every Sunday morning..
ouh Mr. Best, sorry for my absence last two weeks..
last week, i sprained my ankle due to bad landing..
& this week we played for a frenly match...
Alhamdulillah..we won by 3-0 this morning...

main tengah-tengah hari terik camni..huhu...cabaran~

we performed quite well although we had many injuries...
i guess i have a clearer picture of real game..
it's not stay moving in the field for at least 45 minutes is quite tiring..
playing with locals aren't providing an easy way...

muka-muka keletihan & injured..

tapi aku buat berani ja..aku 'body' ja mat salleh td..
hahaha...nak wat cmna..naseb la men defender...
tapi, i need to be careful wif my legs..
especially my ankle..i sprained them two times already...

by da way, petang pun ada main jugak kalo ada masa..
its fun..perfect way to socialize..mcm2 jenis org aku kenal kat area Marsfield nie..
ada doktor, lawyer, orthopedic specalist, mcm2 lagi...
syukur pada Mu Ya Allah...aku dikurniakan kehidupan yang bahagia disini...

doakan kejayaan team Malaysian Student Association (MSA) this April...
lastly, aku nak share satu video nie ngn korang...
i guess korang dah familiar ngn Anwar Hadi..
he's my coursemate..kai sama2 buat degree kat sini dari Penang lagi...
nak tunjuk sket kehidupan kami kat as students..
enjoy da video oke? see ya....



Arni said...

ouch..xda pic u men bola pun...kecoh ea.. :)

amirul rahimi bin said...

sapa nak tlg amik..? hmm

Arni said...

minta kwnla amikkan...adess

amirul rahimi bin said...


Arni said...

eww..malu plak