O'week at Macquarie University

Assalamualaikum...time to update..
my uni held an orientation week for 4 days last week...it's called O'Week..this event is an annualy event and open to all new & current students..
along this week, booths are set up around the center of the uni which is called center courtyard..
we have booths for societies, banks, beverages, computers, personal hygeine, & many more..students are welcomed to sign up for societies...
i was impressed bcoz they are very committed to this..they hv come with great effort..and what is very good about O'week is the free gifts tradition..
i got t-shirt, diaries, note books, pensil case, drinks, water bottle, shaver, lights, toothbrush, food, bags, & many more..
i took the same things many times bcoz i went there like everyday..hahaha..kat Malaysia xda pun yg murah hati smpi cmni.. :)
tawu x skrg saya dah punya Adobe Creative Suite 5 Master Collection..percuma!! which consists of hot softwares such as Photoshop 5 Extended, Illustrator CS5, After Effects CS5...
market price might be up to hundreds dollars..i did enjoy my o'week..when i was bored, i did something good..i'll share with you..

hot & sunny day..

we could find many of this leaf over here...very nice isn't it?

sometimes u'll think this is the reality of love..

lepak pun best jugak..ample space & comfortable..no one cares kau nak ddk mne pun...

booth Coca Cola Zero nie best...ada sesi photography lak..siap dia bg yg printed version lg..

hehe..these are some pixcas of my art of boring days..

mamat nie sgt cool..tgk la biscep dia..jeles kot..dia nie wakil Mac Warrior..

that's all..see u in next post...*Auburn

Sydney Touch Down

Assamualaikum and hello all :D
*wiping my blog wall...hehehe..so dusty*
huh...i took quite a time to update my deary blog..
too many things to share..until i dunno where to start..

i officially left for Sydney on 10 February at 11 p.m. (Malaysian time zone)..
unexpectedly, the flight was delayed due to problems in settling down the hand luggages..
before departing, i've been accompanied by my dearest family & neighbour..
he is an Imigration officer & luckily working at that time..
i managed to call many of my friends & my love ones (family & my honey)..
won't tell much bout that..but I was really touched by niece, Adliyana Namirah..
she cried deeply when I was about to leave..i love you sayang..i'll come back...dont worry.. :)

as we were taken up to the sky, I looked at Malaysian ground until I couldn't see anything..
that's the land I'm gonna leave for da sake of its nation..Nothing to say on da plane..
even a word wasn't projected unless it's necessary..I pray to Allah, please don't let me go astray..
I pray for His barakatul hidayah..

after 8 hours of boarding, we safely touched down at 11 a.m. (Sydney time zone) on 11 February..
it was sunny & hot..striking sun rays really pissed me off..it's just like in Malaysia..
but alhamdulillah..thank to Allah for blessing our journey...

then we headed to our university..Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia..
the journey was fun..looking & staring at those new things such as cars, buildings & even da locals...

we registred at our campus village..& fortunately, I got da same house with Fifi, Pyan, & Bagan..
four of us staying in da same house! I love it! we got a house with five single bedrooms..1 toilet per room..
as soon as we arrived, we were surprise bcoz there's NO FAN! NO AIR-CON! demm it...hahahaha...i was sooooo hot..
huh! enough of it..

within these 5days we managed to get things settled..such as bank account, phone, internet, orientation..many more..
here are things I'd like to share with you..have a look!

My ATM bank card..National Australia Bank (NAB)

My brand new i-Phone 4 32GB

My room & mailbox key

House card key

Bus cards

health insurance


Welcoming party! (theme : beach party)


Selamat Tinggal Malaysia


at this moment, i'd like to say sorry to everyone..especially to my parents at home, AHMAD DAUD & HATIJAH HASIM..unfortunately, they will not be there at the airport to send me off due to some reasons..

then, to all my siblings, pls take care of our father & mother very well as they had done to you earlier..nobody can replace them..thanks a lot Zamri, Romzi, Rozanita, Rosdi, Rozaini, Razif, Nazri & Amira..

to my friends who are going & not, I hope our friendship last forever.. tightly bonded by love, trust and care..sorry for everything..ex-my schoolmate, Hafiz Ezany, Azrul Aziz, Adi, Naim, Amir Hamzah, Farhan Ghani..thanks..

also my angels in IPG; QiQi, Ain Hazirah, Naqiah..
good luck in your studies..

lecturers & teachers, thank you 4 ur help & assistance..I really appreciate your effort..especially my primary school teachers, who taught me how to read & write..if not, I can't even achieve this level..thank you...thank you teachers...

not forgotten, lecturers in IPG Kampus Pulau Pinang, especially my tutor, Miss Letchumiprabah & other unforgettable lecturers; Madam Mariah, Madam Salmah, and all who taught us...thank you..

Noor Izzaty, Ieqa, Bella, Wan Syafiqah, Amira, Liyana, Farah, Shahira, Suhada, Syazwani, Zara, Nadhirah, Nana, Feyqa, Fikah, & WHO EVER is related to these names ;



i love you my dear..don't be sad because of this..it's just temporary..we are not gonna be like this forever..
what ever happens, pray to Allah..
Insyaallah everything is going to be fine..He knows everything and He has the power to do everything upon His will...

SYDNEY is expecting me tomorrow morning..
May His sun shine welcome us with His blessing..

sayonara..bye..selamat tinggal..adios..